Isearch vs Ctrlf Mode

or; why I still use isearch over ctrlf

TL;DR: When you're in isearch-mode you can't use the usual editing commands, but you can use M-e to edit the current search term.

How I use isearch

isearch is the basic search command built into Emacs. The "i" stands for "incremental"; it starts searching as soon as you start typing, and refines the search term as you keep typing. There are also commands to search based on where your cursor starts out: to search for occurences of the term under the cursor, to gradually add successive words to the search term, etc. You initiate a search with control-s, and successive control-s while searching jump to successive matches of the term.

A few subtle operational points make it a natural navigational aid:

  • if you hit ENTER your cursor is left at the current term, otherwise if you quit by control-g it returns the cursor back to where you started, and

  • when you start a search, the mark is left at the start-point.

My workflow then typically looks like:

  • start a search with control-s

  • Let's assume I'm looking for some function, or want a quick reminder of what I've defined, so I search for "defun"

  • I keep hitting control-s, quickly looking at each one

  • Then:

    • If I've seen enough, I quit with control-g and I'm back where I was.

    • If I want a more in-depth look, I stop searching with ENTER. When I'm finished, I can invoke control-SPACE to jump back to where I was.

What, and why, is ctrlf-mode?

That all works great, and is so hard-wired that I don't even notice the little inconsistences or iritations around the process! The big one is: it actually takes you outside of "Emacs" mode in a way. That is to say, once you start searching, you can't use your normal editing commands to edit the search term.

For example, say I start searching for the string "save", but quickly realise that there's a lot of these that I'm not interested in, so I control-a in order to go to the start of my term and refine it to eg "_save".

This does not do what you expect! It actually quits your current search, and jumps to the beginning of whichever line the cursor was currently on. In other words, isearch-mode displays your term in the minibuffer, but you can't otherwise operate on it as you normally would.

Most of the time I bump into this accidentally, curse and start again.

Others with more agency over their environment did not accept the status-quo however, and there is now a competing ctrlf-mode. This works much the same as isearch, but actually feels like more of a first-class citizen of Emacs, because all your normal editing commands operate as they should on your search term. When I grokked this, I immediately switched.

Strangely, the swiitch didn't take and I've now reverted back to vanilla isearch, paper-cuts and all. Why?

One tiny inconvenience to keep my current workflow

My chief problem is that my isearch workflow has accreted several extensions over the years, which seemed to be incompatible with ctrlf-mode, and to boot the nicer aspects of isearch aren't replicated.

  • The ability to add words (or characters, etc) is missing. I realised I used these way more than I might have realised!

  • Because ctrlf-mode does actually use the minibuffer, it's possibly harder to jump into other "modal" commands from it1. I use two such examples in my regular workflow:

    • Start searching, then use control-' to immediately jump to my desired location via avy-isearch

    • Start searching, then hit meta-i to switch to consult-line for an overview that I can fuzzily refine (ctrlf-mode does let you switch to occur-mode, but this isn't as interactive).

Added up, I found I wasn't gaining enough benefit from the improvements of ctrlf-mode to warrant keeping it — so, I finally went looking for "how to edit the isearch search-term": low and behold, it's entirely possible and just needs to be invoked with the command M-e! Just hit control-s again, or ENTER, and you're back to searching — not quite as smooth, but given the other benefits above, more than enough for me.



I haven't tried very hard to implement this, so perhaps it is possible after all? I haven't found examples either though, and it doesn't seem to be a priority for the authors.


731 Words

2022-09-24 00:00 +0000

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