Indian Arm

I’m almost up to date again!  I had a bit of a wander around Granville Island on Saturday (scarcely a proper island, really), which is a bit touristy but has some nice produce and stuff.  And some good coffee if you luck into the right place.  Sunday was a bit more interesting; a boating trip around Indian Arm, which is a bit of an inlet off the main inlet, I suppose.  Getting a temporary boating licence is apparently as easy as signing a piece of paper!  Unfortunately, a lot of the pictures were taken while the boat was moving, so were at best very blurry and for the most-part also captured mostly sky or boat floor.  You’ll just have to take my word on how spectacular it is!  The second picture is a corner of Stanley park, with the sea wall going around the edge – I plan on running or cycling that at some stage; it’s around 12km I think.  That yellow mound is sulfur apparently: lots of industrial action on the way there.  (Oh yes, and I went to the night markets on Friday night, and yes they’re exactly the same as night markets everywhere else).

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